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Event Series Point Richmond Table Tennis

Point Richmond Table Tennis

Point San Pablo Yacht Club 700 W. Cutting Blvd, Richmond, CA, United States

There is ping pong every Monday at the Point San Pablo Yacht Club, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The Point San Pablo Yacht Club is located at 700 W. Cutting Blvd, Richmond, CA 94804, Drive up to the gate, press the black button next to the keypad box and someone will let in. We have two tables and friendly […]

Storytelling Circle with Hanna Takashige at the Library

West Side Branch Library - 135 Washington Ave. 135 Washington Avenue, Richmond, CA, United States

Share your stories, share your life, and enjoy community! Hanna will lead us in playful movement and role playing, and also create a safe space to listen and participate. Join us! For questions call: (510) 620-6567. For other events check

Wildlife Volunteers – California Black Rail Habitat Helpers

During this hands-on activity, you’ll create habitat for the State threatened California Black Rail. We will remove non-native plants, pick up trash, clear debris from clogged channels to improve tidal water cycling, and plant wildlife-friendly vegetation which restores nesting habitat for the California black rail. By participating, you’ll earn your “Black Rail Habitat Helper” patch. […]

Event Series Point Richmond Table Tennis

Point Richmond Table Tennis

Point San Pablo Yacht Club 700 W. Cutting Blvd, Richmond, CA, United States

There is ping pong every Monday at the Point San Pablo Yacht Club, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The Point San Pablo Yacht Club is located at 700 W. Cutting Blvd, Richmond, CA 94804, Drive up to the gate, press the black button next to the keypad box and someone will let in. We have two tables and friendly […]

We Got By: a Black Family’s Journey in the Heartland

West Side Branch Library - 135 Washington Ave. 135 Washington Avenue, Richmond, CA, United States

Life along the color line in rural America is hard. Black folks in small towns navigate day-to-day existence in a world where trusting white neighbors requires a careful mixture of caution and faith. They often experience the burden of racism alone while in the company of people who refuse to accept that such a thing […]

Breeze to Victory Half Marathon, 10K & 5K

RUN ALONG THE SCENIC SAN FRANCISCO BAY TRAIL! As part of the World War II home front efforts, hundreds of ships were built here, including 142 Victory ships (the Red […]